Attorney Rahul Balaram Reveals Five Steps to Take After You're Pulled over for Driving Under the Influence

A DUI charge can be a huge burden in many ways. The fees can take a heavy hit on your finances, and the charges and financial strain can harm your personal and work relationships. That's why it's important to take the right steps if you're pulled over for driving while under the influence.
Sure, hiring the right attorney as soon as you're charged with a DUI is a crucial component, but so is avoiding certain mistakes before you have the chance to even speak to one. Here, criminal defense attorney Rahul Balaram shares five mistakes you should avoid doing that will help your case substantially.

Pull Over as Quickly and Safely as Possible

Once you see the red and blue lights behind you, it's important not to panic. Driving erratically, pulling over haphazardly, or worse, not stopping for them, can all make your case even worse.
Instead, pull over slowly and safely, turn off your vehicle, and stay still, avoiding any sudden or suspicious movements. Do not, under any circumstances, get out of the vehicle once you've pulled over unless the officer tells you to do so.

Be Polite

Swearing, threatening, using sarcasm, behaving rudely, disobeying, acting hostile, and doing anything but comply can offend the officer, making them more likely to write the most incriminating report possible and arrest you.
Your best option is to be polite to the officer. Listen to everything they say carefully, exit the vehicle if they tell you to, accept the reality that you might end up being arrested, and resist the urge to lash out. Though it might seem like a good idea at the time, doing so will work against you.

Don't Lie, But You Don't Have to Talk

Do not lie; this can come around later and hurt your case, as it builds evidence against you. Just because you're polite doesn't mean you have to tell them everything. Invoking your right to stay silent is a completely viable option.
Avoid being candid with the police officer either. Trying to have cheerful conversation to sound sincere, but information about where you're headed, how many drinks you've had, who you've had them with, and where you were can all be used against you in court. Simply tell them that you want to use your fifth amendment right to stay silent and talk to an attorney, and they have to respect that.

Refuse a Field Sobriety Test and Breathalyzer

You aren't required by law to take a field sobriety test. If the officer asks you to do one, you are allowed to say no. These on-site tests can often be unreliable, resulting in faulty readings that can incriminate you. Instead, opt for a chemical test at the station.

Cooperate If You're Arrested

Ultimately, if the officer decides to arrest you, it's important to cooperate. Fighting and resisting can hurt your chances in court later on, and can even result in more charges, such as assault against a police officer. Stay calm, try to remember every detail, and contact an attorney immediately to set yourself up for the best odds.

About Rahul Balaram:

Rahul Balaram is an experienced and dedicated attorney that has represented hundreds of clients. Rahul Balaram takes pride in ensuring his clients are aware of every aspect of their case and that their interests are presented with dignity, compassion, and competence.
Rahul opened the Balaram Law Office in Santa Rosa and is widely known for his excellent trial skills, his unrelenting work on behalf of his clients, and the outstanding results that his clients receive.


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