
Showing posts from January, 2020

Rahul Balaram Discusses Ignition Interlock Violations and How to Avoid Them

Originally published on DUI charges and their penalties can often be tricky to navigate. If you’ve ever had one, you may have been issued an ignition interlock device. An ignition interlock device is installed in the vehicle of someone convicted of a DUI; the purpose is to prevent the person from driving while drunk by having the person blow into the device. If alcohol is detected, the device will not allow the car to start. However, it’s remarkably easy to commit an ignition interlock violation accidentally. Here, Santa Rosa defense attorney  Rahul Balaram  seeks to help educate those who must use an ignition interlock device so that they may avoid an accidental violation. He also discusses what to do if a violation happens and how to attain the best possible outcome. What Is an Ignition Interlock Device? An ignition interlock device is a handheld breathalyzer installed in a vehicle. The driver must blow into it for it to analyze their alcohol content in their