
Showing posts from November, 2019

Santa Rosa Defense Attorney Rahul Balaram Answers DUI FAQ

Originally published on There’s a lot to know about DUI charges. They can be a stressful and complicated process for anyone. For many, they don’t know how to react to these charges and may have a lot of questions. DUI charges are a massive part of any criminal defense practice since they affect such a wide range of people, and it’s natural to want to know more about them. Here, experienced defense attorney  Rahul Balaram  answers six frequently asked questions about DUIs. 1. Do I Have to Answer the Officer When He Asks If I’ve Been Drinking? In short, no. If you are pulled over and asked if you’ve been drinking, you do not have to answer. In the case that this happens, you have the right to remain silent, as to prevent saying anything that could be potentially used to incriminate you. Instead, you may respond “I prefer not to answer” or request to talk to a lawyer before you speak to an officer of the law. 2. Do I Have to Agree to a Field Sobr...